Sunday, January 1, 2012

TNMT and Care Bear Cupcakes!!

Pink and Black wedding cake, with sugar flowers!

on the pond, Baby Sower Cake!

This was for a baby shower you can see it all above pre-stacked and then stacked. I wish i could have gotten a better photo because the picture really doesn't show off the detail! I loosely based it off of the bedding the had picked out for their little one. and the little animals that i had made the mother was able to save to decorate the babies room with! 

Super Hero Birthday!!

This was actually for my sons 2nd Birthday. As you can tell it was super hero themed everyone came dressed as their favorite super hero. I especially loved the cake I was going for a pop art super hero type feel I think it all came across so cute! I made everything that you see here,  it really was so much fun.  I need more children because I LOVED planning/crating this party!